In NYC, Feral Felines Get A Second Chance at Life as "Working Cats"

Instead of giving up on feral cats that cant be socialized as family pets, New Yorkers are giving them jobs- saving hundreds of feline lives.

Brother One-Ups His Twin’s Baby Photo With His Kitty Interpretations

Finding the right birthday gift can be hard. But we think this brother nailed it, when he recreated his sister's Instagram photos in the most unique way!

Home Remedies for Cat Vomiting

It's not pretty, but it may be something you can treat at home. Here are some ideas on some home remedies for cat vomiting.

Best Automatic Cat Feeders

Automatic cat feeders are heaven-sent for busy pet owners, picky pets, and cats that are on a special diet. These are the best 10 the market has to offer.

Study: Declawing Cats Has Long-Term Impact on Behavior

New research shows that elective declaw surgeries increase the risk of long-term pain in cats, which can mean increased risks of cats behaving badly.

MEOW! Hot Model Loves His Adorable Cat

MEOW! Here's even more proof that guys who love cats are hot! Canadian Model Travis DesLaurier adores his fluffy BFF, Jacob.

Follow Your Cat Wherever He Goes With Weenect Cat GPS

Cats often follow where their curiosity dictates - wouldn't it be amazing if you could follow along with him? Thanks to the Weenect Cat GPS, now you can!

The Benefits Of A Raw Food Diet For Cats

Are you thinking of going raw? Here are a few things you need to know before making the switch. When it comes to feline nutrition, there are a lot of debates…

A Quick Guide to Fading Kitten Syndrome

If you're working with young kittens, you'll need to know about Fading Kitten Syndrome. Here's what you need to know about KFS.

Join The Cat Revolution And Get Involved On National Feral Cat Day

Friday, October 16 is National Feral Cat Day. Promoting the TNR program, learn how you can help control the feral cat population in your community.

Pretend Kitten Takes Advantage Of Kansas Grandma’s Hospitality

An unlikely 'stray' animal took up residence at the home of a Kansas grandma, and the Internet fell in love with the sweet little orphan!

Best Cat Litter

Check out our comprehensive guide on best cat litter the market has to offer: from clay and crystals to wood to grass and wheat, we've covered all of them.

Paw Reading Is Japan’s Newest Cat Trend

Reading cat paws is a feline version of palmistry which hints that there's more to your kitty's jelly beans that just cuteness.

How To Discipline A Cat (Without Losing Your Mind!)

We know it's hard to believe, but cats can misbehave on occasion (What?!). It's true - here's how to discipline a cat and help you break bad kitty habits.

CFHS Is Out To Prove That Real Men Love Cats

Which month are you? CGHS looking for real-life men and their cats for the 2016 Cats & Bros calendar Not since the Village People parodied gender typecasti…

5 Inspiring Special Needs Cats

Special needs cats may need a little extra attention from their humans, but what they give in return can inspire millions of people!

Top 10 Essential Books for New Cat Owners

If you're a first-time cat parent, you may be overwhelmed with all the things you need to know. These books are great resources for new cat owners.

Two-Faced ‘Janus Cat’ Shown Mewing From Both Mouths [Video]

A cat with two faces, known as a Janus cat, was born in Chongqing, China - watch the video meowing from both of its mouths.

Researchers Developed A Cat Brush That Looks and Works Like a Feline T

After analyzing the unique structure of the feline tongue, scientists used it as an inspiration to create a revolutionary hair brush for cats.

SuperZoo 2018: RC Pets Launches Adventure Harness Just For Kitties

RC Pets has launched the Adventure Kitty Harness at SuperZoo 2018, bringing feline friends their own harnesses for fun adventures.

Today’s Cats Are Fat Cats Compared To Viking-Era Felines

A new study published in the Danish Journal of Archaeology shows that since the Viking era, cats have continued to grow to be about 16 percent bigger than th…

How To Administer Medications To Your Cat

Have you ever tried to give a cat medicine? Here’s how to do it safely and effectively. No one ever said that giving a cat medication would be easy, bu…

Best Cat Strollers

Feel like taking your cat out for a walk, but a leash is out of the question? We've got the solution -- check out our choices for the best cat strollers.

What Is Feline Cerebellar Hypoplasia?

A developmental disorder, Feline Cerebellar Hypoplasia affects the way a cat walks. Here's what you should know about the illness and what can be done.

Why Are Cats So Protective of Their Bellies?

Have you ever rubbed a cat's belly? Chances are, that if you ever tried, you got a hiss and a paw full of claws for you troubles.

How to Tell If Your Cat Is at a Healthy Weight

In order to live a long, healthy life, cats need to fall within a certain weight range that varies on height, age, and body size.

Why Do Cats Hiss?

We instinctively back away when we hear a cat hissing. But why do cats hiss and how should you react when your feline makes this sound?

Is This the Dream Job of Every Cat Lover? Feline Sanctuary’s Job Ad

The feline loving-couple behind the God's Little People Cat Rescue never dreamed that they'll have over 35,000 applications from more than 83 countries.

Best Cat Scratching Post

A cat scratching post gives your cat an approved outlet for their desire to sharpen their claws - and keeps them away from your furniture.

Adventure Cat Inspiration & Tips: Meet Walter!

Dogs aren't the only ones who like to get out and about. We'd like to introduce you to adventure cats, and a kitty named Walter who's all about travel!

Cats And Car Rides: How To Get Them To Mix

Cats are skittish creatures of habit who prefer to stay on solid ground rather than a moving car. Is your kitty equipped for your next road trip?

Best Cat Ball Toys

Cats can go bouncy for balls! If your feline can't get enough of them, here is our list of the best cat ball toys.

Photographic Proof That Men Who Own Cats Are Hot!

Meow! David Williams’ “Men & Cats” photo series will make ladies go crazy… for these warmhearted guys who love cats. I want to share…

Cats Are So Cool They Domesticated Themselves

Have you ever thought that your cat was just too cool for you? It turns out that they're so cool, they domesticated themselves!

5 Cat-ravagant Perks of an Outdoor Catio

You want your indoor cat to enjoy the benefits of the outdoors without the danger. The solution - an outdoor catio that protects your kitty!

Fabulous Hats for Fancy Cats

Nothing is cuter that a cat in a costume. It's time to deck out your fancy cat in these hilarious little hats... and sleep with one eye open.

6 Valuable Tips for New Cat Owners

Before your kitty comes home, you'll want to be prepared. Here's what new cat owners should have ready for their furry family addition.

Best Cat Scratchers

Want to stop your cat from shredding your furniture to bits? Our list covers best cat scratchers, designed to suit every kitty's needs and quirks.

How To Understand Cat Body Language

Cats can be hard to read because of the physical and vocal clues to let you know what they're thinking. Here's how to pick up on cat body language.

Why Do Cats Always Land on Their Feet?

You've heard the old saying that says cats always land on their feet. But how true is that adage?

Feline Favors to Calm Your Cat

There's no doubt that cats have a secret agenda. To avoid utter chaos, here are some cool cat products to appease your diabolical kitty.

Scammer Shaves Regular Cats, Upsells as Rare Hairless Breed

A new Canadian scam involves selling 'hairless' kittens as Sphynx, but these kitties are actually common cats who have been shaved to the skin.

International Cat Association Adds Lykoi Breed to Its Roster

The International Cat Association has announced they've recognized a new breed, the Lykoi cat, and they're definitely crying, "Wolf!"

5 Feline Skin Conditions You Should Know About

Have you noticed any changes in your cat's skin and coat? These five common skin conditions can signal health problems in your kitty.

Gift Guide: Best Christmas Gifts for Cats

Wish Feliz Navidad to your feline friend with one of these Christmas gifts for cats- any one of them is bound to get them into festive mood.

How To Prevent Boredom While Your Cat Is Home Alone

While the human is away, the cat will play - what kind of trouble will your kitty get into? Here's how to keep him busy while you're out of the house.

3 Amazing Reasons to Adopt a Special Needs Kitten or Cat

Special needs cats need love, too, but are commonly passed over for adoption at shelters. Here's why you should bring one home.

Science Proves Cats Were Perfect Even Before Domestication

Researchers claim that the domesticated cats we know and love today have little variation in genetics from their wild ancestors.

Paralysis in Cats: Causes and Treatments

Paralysis is defined as the loss of feeling and muscle movement anywhere in the body. Cats can be diagnosed with partial or complete paralysis.

What Is Stomatitis in Cats?

Your cat may not be happy because she has stomatitis - a type of dental disease. But what is stomatitis and how does it stop your cat from smiling?

Our First Cat-Only Contest – The SmartyKat® Feather Whirl

To prove that we love cats just as much as dogs, we’re giving felines their own contest. From now until December 9, your kitty can win a SmartyKat®…

How to Bond With Your New Kitten

It's more than love at first sight. Start off your relationship purr-fectly by doing all the right things to bond with your kitten.

How to Become a Feline Foster Parent

There are so many cats up for adoption, and there isn't enough space in local shelters. Here's how you can help by becoming a feline foster parent.

Do You Need to Clean A Cat's Teeth?

Just like for us humans, dental care is important for kitties too. Of course, human and feline teeth are totally different, so dental hygiene is not exactly the same for both. Here's what you need to know.

Top 10 Cool Facts About Cats You Didn’t Know

Think you know all there is to know about felines? We bet a few of these top 10 cool facts about cats are news to you! Purrfect for kitty trivia nights!

Top 10 Best Cats for Cuddling

Yes, it's true - cats are cuddly! There are some cat breeds that prefer to snuggle. Here's our list of top 10 best cats for cuddling.

The Claws Are Out as England Battles Russia for "World's Best Cat"

Not since the days of Vader and Luke has such rivalry been seen! At the LondonCats show, two top national kitty contenders battled for the title of “World’s…

Feline Health: Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore

Don't write off your cat's unusual behavior as a cry for attention - it could be a cry for help! These symptoms could signal a serious health problem.

5 Big Differences Between Cats and Dogs

Although cats and dogs are the most popular pets, there are some major differences between the two species, and understanding them will prepare you to be a great guardian to your canine or feline companion.

Can Cats Get Separation Anxiety Like Dogs?

We all know that dogs tend to get very attached to their owners, and will often get separation anxiety as a result. But what about seemingly aloof and independent kitties?